+ WBW Feature
 Artist: Mark Cheong
 Contact: cjw.mark@gmail.com
Title: Surfs Up

Friday, July 17, 2009

Nostalgic Fridays

Girl - Yeah Right!

"Girl Skateboards presents Yeah Right! (2003). This video could be defined as the Girl/Chocolate families’ most ambitious venture to date. The video clocks in at a solid 72 minutes with lengthy parts, montages and cinematic skits that only Spike Jones could mastermind.

The video starts with a tribute to Keenan Milton. This is a cool thing to see - he was totally advanced and did a ton for skateboarding. The section is older grainy footage, and sets a somber mood to the start of the movie. Then, after the tribute, the video moves into a sweet high quality intro with the camera in slow motion, and to the rest of the skating frenzy.

Featuring Brian Anderson, Mike Carroll, Tony Ferguson, Rick Howard, Eric Koston, Rick McCrank, Paul Rodriguez, Jeron Wilson, Brandon Biebel, Robbie McKinley, Jereme Rogers and More."


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